Leptosomus discolor - Cuckoo Roller

Order: Coraciiformes
Family: Leptosomatidae
Local Malagasy name: toloho
Endemic to Madagascar: No

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Leptosomus discolor -- No part of this material can be used in any way without written permision by
Leptosomus discolor -- Leptosomus discolor. Leptosomus discolor Madagascar Cuckoo Roller Français.
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Cuckoo-Roller (Leptosomus discolor) Photo -- Cuckoo-Roller, Isolate address (URL) for bookmarking or e-mailing this photo, Leptosomus
Cuckoo-Roller (Leptosomus discolor) Photo -- Cuckoo-Roller, Back to previous photo of this species. Isolate address (URL) for
Leptosomus discolor -- Leptosomus discolor Madagascar Cuckoo Roller. Large arboreal bird, male has a black
Taxonomy genus Leptosomus- - -- T" "Leptosomus discolor species: Leptosomus discolor. ...
World Birds Taxonomic List: Genera, species, and subspecies with ... -- Analyse p.28. Leptosomus discolor (Hermann) 1783 TabulaAffin.Anim. p.186:
Coural - encyclopedia article about Coural. Free access, no ... -- Leptosomus discolor. The Cuckoo Roller, Leptosomus discolor, is the only bird For

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