Eulemur macaco macaco - Black Lemur

RANGE and DISTRIBUTION: Found in northwest Madagascar: on the islands of Nosy Be and Nosy Komba; and along the coast from Anivorano Nord to Maromandia. Black lemurs are easily seen on Nosy Komba

SIZE: 2 to 2.5 kg

IUCN Status: Vulnerable

LOCAL NAMES: Ankomba, Komba


  • The Black Lemur is the most sexually dimorphic of the lemurs with males black in coloration and females light brown to a dark brown in color. Black lemurs are capable of living in secondary forest and degraded habitats by feeding on crop trees and tourist contributions (as is the case on Nosy Komba) Web links for Eulemur macaco macaco :

    Eulemur macaco macaco -- ...females. male. male & female. male & female leap. From Lokobe
    Eulemur macaco macaco (black lemur), female -- BACK TO MADAGASCAR GALLERY. MAIN PHOTO PAGE. HOME. Scroll
    Eulemur macaco macaco (black lemur), female, Sambirano region of ... -- Back to Madagascar Three. Main Photo Page. Home. Scroll down for more information
    Black lemur - Eulemur macaco - ARKive -- The black lemur Eulemur macaco macaco is classified as Vulnerable (VU B1+2bc), and
    Species of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Eulemur macaco. (Linnaeus, 1766) IUCN Red List Status (1996): Vulnerable/A1cd For
    Lower Taxa of the Lemurs of Madagascar -- Eulemur macaco macaco. (Linnaeus, 1766) IUCN Red List Status (1996):
    Black Lemur Eulemur macaco -- More Information - ARKive -- ...photographs, film clips and accompanying information
    lemurs at the Isle of Wight Zoo -- of page. Black Lemur (Eulemur macaco macaco). The striking black lemur can
    Eulemur Links -- Czech) Primatis: Eulemur macaco (Black Lemur) (in German) The realms of Lemuria:

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