Frogs / Mantellinae / Mantidactylus

Mantidactylus guibei

Web links for Mantidactylus guibei :

Amphibian Species of the World - Mantidactylus guibei Blommers ... -- Mantidactylus guibei Blommers-Schlösser <em>In</em> Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc,
Amphibian Species of the World - Mantidactylus Boulenger, 1895 -- Amphibian Species of the World 3.0 an Online Reference. ...
Seznam recentních madagaskarských obojživelníkù (Amphibia) -- Methuen PA, 1919 Mantidactylus malagasius Methuen PA, Hewitt J., 1913 Mantidactylus
Mantellidae (Laurent, 1946) Mantella -- ...none, Mantidactylus grandisonae, unknown. none, Mantidactylus granulatus, unknown.
AmphibiaWeb -- Mantidactylus fimbriatus, Mantidactylus flavobrunneus, Mantidactylus grandidieri,
AmphibiaWeb Species List: Lit-Nyc -- Mantidactylus guibei, species account, no photos, range maps. ...
AmphibiaWeb Species List: Mantellidae -- Mantidactylus granulatus, species account, photos, range maps. Mantidactylus -- Distribution: Madagascar. Mantidactylus guibei Distribution: Madagascar. Mantidactylus -- ...-

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