Frogs / Mantellinae / Mantella

Mantella nigricans Green-black Mantella

Web links for Mantella nigricans :

GfBS -Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2002) -- 1: Mantella cowani. Mantella haraldmeieri Fig. 2: Mantella haraldmeieri. Mantella
GfBS -Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 4 (2002) -- Organisms Diversity & Evolution 2 (2002) Electronic
Mantella sp. -- Species: Mantella sp. Family: Ranidae Subfamily: Mantellinae. Distribution and
Amphibian Species of the World - Mantella nigricans Guibé, 1978 -- Mantella nigricans Guibé, 1978 Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family:
Amphibian Species of the World - Mantella Boulenger, 1882 -- ...phylogenetics on the basis of DNA data and defined the following species group:
Mantella Review -- ...from Marojezy. The name Mantella cowani nigricans (Guibe 1978) is revalidated
Old World Tree Frogs (Hyperoliidae): Herpetology -- Green Skeleton Frog (Boophis jaegeri) - Images. Green-black Mantella (Mantella
Mantellidae (Laurent, 1946) Mantella -- Mantella madagascariensis, Painted Mantella. Mantella milotympanum, Black Eared
AmphibiaWeb Species List: Mantellidae -- Mantella milotympanum, no species account, photos, no range maps. Mantella nigricans,

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