Boophis anjanaharibeensis

Boophis anjanaharibeensis

Web links for Boophis anjanaharibeensis :

Boophis anjanaharibeensis -- Species: Boophis anjanaharibeensis Family: Ranidae Subfamily: Rhacophorinae.
Amphibian Species of the World - Boophis anjanaharibeensis ... -- Boophis anjanaharibeensis Andreone, 1996 Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura >
Amphibian Species of the World - Boophis Tschudi, 1838 -- Boophis andreonei Glaw and Vences, 1994. Boophis anjanaharibeensis Andreone, 1996.
schede -- 127. 5. Boophis anjanaharibeensis Andreone, 1996. Andreone F., 1996. - Another
Mantellidae (Laurent, 1946) Mantella -- ...none, Boophis andohahela, unknown. none, Boophis andreonei, unknown. none, Boophis
AmphibiaWeb Species List: Mantellidae -- Boophis andreonei, species account, no photos, range maps. Boophis
Slide list-Amphibians-Franco Andreone -- Madagascar. 69. Ranidae. Boophis septentrionalis. adults,habitat. Madagascar. 70.
Franco's list of most rec publ -- Orstom, Paris (France). 2. Andreone F., 1996 - Another green treefrog, Boophis
Seznam recentních madagaskarských obojživelníkù (Amphibia) -- F., 1979 Boophis laurenti Guibe J., 1947 Boophis rhodoscelis Boulenger GA, 1882

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